Burn-out: 5 actions to prevent it
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Burn-out: 5 actions to prevent it

This webinar explores the warning signs, risk factors and practical solutions for preventing burn-out.

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Did you know that 2.5 million French people are currently affected by burn-out*? This alarming figure highlights a reality that is often overlooked: burnout knows no boundaries, and can affect any employee. Yet there are solutions to help you act, anticipate and protect your teams. Imad Wakidi, co-founder and COO of Holivia, and Nathan Guichard-Marsal, psychologist, trainer with the Association Française de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive (AFTCC) and Holivia expert, share their vision and tools for building a resilient corporate culture capable of meeting today's challenges.

What is burn out?

Burn out, or professional exhaustion syndrome, is a psychosocial risk (PSR). It is the result of high, chronic occupational stress and a heavy workload, which eventually consume the individual's physical, mental and emotional resources. The cause? Over-investment in work.

First coined in the 1970s, the term was originally used by psychoanalyst Freudenberger to describe the deterioration in health observed among health and care professionals.

Why act now?

In a demanding working environment where chronic stress is becoming the norm, it's crucial to get the word out about mental health. Often taboo, this issue deserves to be brought to light in order to establish a genuine corporate culture based on benevolence and transparency. This webinar will show you how to encourage your employees to recognize weak signals and ask for help in complete confidence.

A strategic challenge for all companies

Burn-out is more than just temporary fatigue. It's a complex phenomenon that combines emotional exhaustion, loss of meaning at work and relational difficulties. This condition, which is still poorly understood, impacts both individuals and organizations: reduced performance, absenteeism, loss of commitment... But how can we identify the weak signals? How can we create an environment where every employee feels entitled to express themselves, without fear of being judged or stigmatized? This webinar answers these crucial questions by offering you a reflection on mental health in the workplace.

Why watch this webinar?

Companies play a key role in preventing burn-out. But it's not just a question of public health: it's also a question of your organization's overall performance. Fostering a climate of trust, where everyone can flourish, contributes directly to productivity and innovation.

In this webinar, you'll discover how to transform your organization to prevent burnout. Thanks to concrete and inspiring approaches, you'll be better equipped to :

  • Fostering a caring corporate culture.
  • Help your employees find a better balance.
  • Reinforce involvement and job satisfaction.

Whether you're an HR director, manager or executive, this webinar represents a unique opportunity to rethink your practices and make a lasting impact.

A practical, engaging approach

Hosted by Holivia experts, this webinar offers you a complete toolbox to combat burn-out: mental health indicators, good managerial practices and feedback. You'll leave with clear, directly applicable ideas for transforming your challenges into opportunities. Speakers share their knowledge and experience. You'll benefit from a pedagogical and human approach that puts employee well-being at the heart of its concerns. Through concrete examples, they show how other companies have risen to the challenge of preventing burn-out. These testimonials will inspire you to adapt these practices to your own context.

This webinar is aimed at all those involved in team management, HR teams, managers and executives. Make the choice to act for a more serene professional future.

Watch an excerpt from the webinar here :

A webinar that addresses your concerns

Whether you're dealing with burn-out in your organization, or simply looking to strengthen your prevention strategy, this webinar has been designed to meet your needs. It offers a rich and nuanced reflection, adapted to all sectors of activity.

You'll discover the keys to :

  • Encourage your teams to speak out.
  • Support your managers in their central role.
  • Strengthen collective resilience in the face of everyday challenges.

By attending this webinar, you'll be taking an important step towards a more sustainable and humane corporate culture.

An appointment not to be missed

Burn-out is not inevitable. By equipping yourself with the right tools and raising the awareness of your teams, you can take action to prevent this risk and offer your employees an environment where they feel supported.

This webinar is an invitation to rethink your managerial and organizational approach, through concrete examples, innovative tools and inspiring testimonials. It's a valuable resource for anyone wishing to protect mental health in their company and strengthen bonds within teams.

Take the time to make your company a place where mental health is a priority. Watch this replay and discover how to build a more serene and fulfilling professional future for all.

*OpinionWay surveyfor Empreinte Humaine, 2022

Download our White Paper on burn out

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