Improve your QVCT with Holivia

Improve your HRQoL by initiating a positive mental health culture. Boost your employees' productivity to improve your company's performance!

Help your employees

become active players in their own mental well-being, thanks to 100% personalized courses accessible from the platform.

Make your managers aware

with our workshops and group training courses to foster a positive culture and improve your company's QWL.

Increase productivity

of your teams by creating a serene working climate, to enhance your organization's performance.

Holivia, the solution to help your company improve its QHCT

Programs to improve your employees' QWL

With Holivia, you have access to a variety of content dedicated to improving QWL and exercises to practice between sessions with psychologies, both any time wherever you are from the solution.

And with our QWL barometer and detailed monthly reports, track the evolution of your employees' QWL in your company.

Collective support to help managers improve your company's QWL

Provide your managers with training to identify risk situations and enable them to create a positive culture and a calm working environment.

Videoconferences with psychologists specializing in cognitive sciences

Your employees can make an appointment with our psychologists between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. at the click of a button, for a confidential discussion of situations that could jeopardize your organization's QHV.

They have adopted Holivia
"Sophie is simply brilliant. We work on personal development and it helps me find my place and improve my relationships."
"I've noticed a real improvement in my daily life thanks to the self-care programs, I feel more serene, personally and professionally."
"I regularly consult Holivia's content, which allows me to anchor practices on a daily basis and to progress over time."
"I've learned to better manage my emotions and relationships at work. Holivia has helped me regain my self-confidence and balance."
They chose Holivia to take care of their employees