Trigger COPSOQ in your company

> Overview of strengths and weaknesses
> Highlighting of groups in difficulty
> Proposals for concrete action based on results obtained

What is COPSOQ?

Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: Generic questionnaire suitable for all trades and sectors of activity

60 questions in 10 minutes

Assess the psychosocial risk factors in your work environment and the physical and mental health of your employees.

7 dimensions assessed

Quantitative constraints, relations between colleagues, professional experience, autonomy, organization, management, health and well-being

The mental well-being of your employees, a priority

Your employees are your most precious asset, so take good care of them with the help of tailored support based on the COPSOQ results.

With Holivia, you build a positive culture of individual support, serving your employer brand, QWL and collective performance.

Testimony of Stéphanie Ehrmann, HR Director of Dalkia
"Holivia is good for our employees and has contributed to freeing up the debate on mental health. This is a subject that all HRDs need to get a grip on."
Stéphanie Ehrmann, Dalkia's HR Director for the Mediterranean Region
A happy employee is 6x less absent and 31% more productive
Élodie Lheureux, Richel's HR Director
"It's a complete solution that works on both the individual and the group, with tailored workshops and webinars every month."
Élodie Lheureux, Richel's HR Director

Your Customer Success Manager provides you with COPSOQ results by area and dimension, with a scientific and collective approach, based on precise statistical data and possible segmentation by geography, function and group.

You have the keys to building an effective action plan within your company.

90% of employees feel a positive impact