Reinvent RPS prevention with Holivia

With Holivia, you integrate a risk-prevention approach at every level, taking action before employees are confronted with critical situations. In this way, your employees can take charge of their own well-being and anticipate complicated situations.

Help your employees

prevent distressing situations by giving them access to 100% personalized support and exchanges with appropriate psychologists.

Make your managers aware

thanks to our workshops and group training courses designed to detect and defuse risk factors in the workplace.

Ensuring a positive culture

by enabling your teams to work in a healthy environment while preventing psychosocial risks.

The mental health solution to help your teams prevent RPS

HR departments: develop prevention factors in your daily work

Thanks to our exercises and varied content dedicated to mental health and the prevention of RPS, enable your employees to guard against risks and develop protective factors for lasting change.

Holivia questionnaire to measure well-being

Prevent RPS and improve the mental well-being of your teams

Holivia is the solution that:
- assesses psychosocial risk factors in the working environment (working conditions) as well as employees' physical and mental health using our Copsoq barometer
- trains your managers to recognize an employee in distress
- provides detailed monthly reports to monitor your employees' progress and prevent PSRs

Take the first step with psychologists specialized in RPS prevention

Holivia's solution makes it easy for you to talk to the right psychologists, enabling you to monitor your employees on a regular basis. They will be able to receive support on subjects that affect them on a daily basis, and monitor their progress.

Image psychologist
They have adopted Holivia
"Since using the platform, I feel much better. I've learned to know myself better and to guard against situations that can put me in a bad light."
"I've noticed a real improvement in my daily life thanks to the RPS prevention programs, I feel more serene and able to perform."
"I regularly consult Holivia's content, which helps me to anchor practices in my daily life.
"The various exchanges made possible via Holivia, allow me
to learn how to react positively to a situation that is difficult for me and thus find solutions to put in place to avoid impacting my mental health."."
They chose Holivia to take care of their employees