What are the impacts of new working methods on your teams? How can you preserve their well-being, the key to performance?
Mental health in the workplace is a key concern for companies today. The upheavals linked to new working methods, such as telecommuting, hybrid working and flex office, have transformed our habits, but also highlighted major challenges. Against this backdrop, companies need to rethink their strategies for preventing psychosocial risks (PSR), supporting their teams and maintaining optimum quality of working life (QWL). But how do you go about it? How do you recognize weak signals, limit the impact of RPS and maintain a cohesive team in a constantly changing environment? 3 top-notch speakers will guide you through these topics to ensure the well-being of your employees: Rémi Nicolas, Head of ETI and Key Accounts at Holivia, Nathan Guichard, psychologist, trainer and Holivia expert, and Célia Chereches, psychologist and Holivia expert.
Click here for an overview of key information about the intervention.
Telecommuting, hybridization and flex office have become standard practice in many companies. But what are their real impacts on employees? This webinar looks at some striking figures: 81% of employees say they are at risk of burnout*, and psychological disorders are now the second leading cause of long-term sick leave.
Professional isolation, the erosion of work collectives and difficulties in managing emotions are all challenges exacerbated by these transformations. This webinar details the main risk factors and helps you identify and prevent these weak signals, which is crucial to limiting their impact on employees' mental health. By anticipating these issues, companies can not only protect their teams, but also build a more efficient and resilient organization.
One of the key lessons to be learned from this webinar is the importance of preserving the work collective, even at a distance. Social interactions, moments of conviviality and positive feedback play a key role in team resilience. The speakers share tools for strengthening social support, valuing employees and maintaining a work-life balance.
Social support is one of the most effective factors in reducing the effects of stress and preventing psychosocial disorders. This webinar explores how to establish it sustainably, even in hybrid work contexts.
Faced with these challenges, the role of management is changing. This webinar highlights practices that can help you adapt to these transformations. The concrete examples shared illustrate how companies supported by Holivia have succeeded in reducing tensions, improving the quality of professional relations and enhancing the mental well-being of their employees.
Learning to recognize weak signals, detect lasting behavioral changes, or set limits to prevent burnout: these are all key skills that can be acquired thanks to the approaches and tools presented.
Click here to view an excerpt from the webinar:
This webinar combines psychological expertise and field experience. Together, they explore the consequences of new ways of working on mental health, productivity and team cohesion, while sharing innovative approaches to strengthening the collective and preventing burnout.
Feedback from companies supported by Holivia shows that targeted initiatives can turn challenges into opportunities. Raising awareness, providing training and investing in the right tools can help build a framework that encourages employee fulfillment, while guaranteeing sustainable organizational performance.
This webinar offers an optimistic and pragmatic perspective on the solutions you can implement to combine well-being at work and performance. You'll leave with concrete ideas for adapting your organization to new ways of working, strengthening your teams and promoting sustainable mental health within your company.
This webinar is aimed at executives, HR directors and managers wishing to understand the impact of organizational change on employees' mental health. So, are you ready to turn your challenges into opportunities? Find out how to protect your employees while building a more resilient, high-performance organization.
*Source: Global Talent Trends, 2022
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