Discover how to make mental health a pillar of your organization through 5 concrete steps to move from listening to action.
This captivating webinar, organized as part of the Quality of Life and Working Conditions (QLWC) week, highlights the crucial importance of mental health and psychological safety within organizations. With the participation of Jérôme Crest, co-founder and CEO of Holivia, Nathan Guichard-Marsal, psychologist, trainer with the Association Française de Thérapie Comportementale et Cognitive (AFTCC) and Holivia expert, and Ludovic Demierre, Director of Human Resources at VINCI Construction, this session offers an in-depth reflection on organizational practices, concrete actions and tools to foster a healthy and engaging work environment.
This webinar, designed as a "step-by-step" approach and illustrated by situations experienced or apprehended by HR teams, combines psychological, organizational and business approaches.
Did you know that 42% of workers are in a state of psychological distress*? This alarming figure highlights a reality: ill-being in the workplace is on the increase, impacting productivity, innovation and the overall performance of organizations. And yet, according to the WHO, "there is no good health without good mental health". Only 39% of organizations allocate resources to raising awareness and preventing RPS, even though these measures make employees 1.4 to 2 times less likely to suffer from mental health problems*.
The prevention of psychosocial risks and the integration of psychological safety into managerial practices therefore appear to be major levers for strengthening the commitment and retention of talent. Vinci Construction's HR Director shares concrete examples of how these principles can be applied in a variety of contexts, particularly on worksites where physical and organizational constraints are significant.
Discover five strategic actions to integrate mental health into the organizational culture.
There is a need to move the discourse on mental health beyond notions of suffering to include aspects such as personal development and overall well-being. To achieve this, it is essential to create a climate of psychological safety, where everyone feels free to speak out without fear of judgment or repercussions. Top management's ability to speak out on the subject is one way of creating this psychological safety, because when managers dare to talk about their own experiences and show that they consider mental health a priority, they authorize their staff to do the same.
Beyond raising awareness, it is crucial to structure a genuine organizational strategy and concrete action plans. It is advisable to set up multi-disciplinary steering committees bringing together various company players: top management, HR, managers and employee representatives. These committees must be able to collect data, notably via barometers and surveys, in order to make precise diagnoses of the situation of employees. This makes it possible to focus on a few targeted, measurable actions, adapted to the realities on the ground.
The involvement and training of managers play a central role in this approach, as they are closest to employees. The key lies in establishing routines and tools that facilitate benevolent management. These tools include regular one-to-one interviews, which create a space for exchange between manager and employee. Encouraging a culture of feedback is also an important element: it's not just a question of pointing out difficulties, but also of valuing successes and reinforcing trust. Other practices, such as opening meetings with a quick round of internal weather forecasting, where everyone expresses how they feel at the moment, help to create a climate of listening and support. Finally, it's crucial to guarantee the right to disconnect, by establishing clear rules to limit digital pressure and avoid burnout.
Click here to view an excerpt from the webinar:
All too often, mental health in the workplace is approached solely from the angle of psychosocial risks and crisis situations. It is essential not to limit support to cases of distress, but to open it up to broader issues such as stress management, parenthood, improving professional relationships and self-confidence. Mental health must be seen as a lever for well-being and performance. By integrating this broader vision right from the recruitment and onboarding of new employees, companies are showing that they are proactively taking care of their employees.
Today, companies offer curative solutions, used by less than 1% of employees. These solutions are no longer sufficient, and it is important to implement preventive solutions to manage moderate tensions before they become distressing situations. It is therefore necessary to modernize these systems by proposing more accessible and engaging solutions, such as applications dedicated to mental health, combining self-assessment, educational resources and the possibility of exchanging with professionals anonymously. The training of mental health referents can also help to better guide employees in difficulty and detect weak signals before they turn into critical situations.
Ludovic Demierre shares his experience of integrating mental health into the workplace. He stresses the importance of training managers, HR and Health & Safety officers to better integrate mental health into the workplace. The approach must be collective and progressive, in collaboration with elected representatives, and by optimizing existing systems to achieve results as close as possible to needs on the ground. Building an appropriate culture takes time, but the integration of mental health within VINCI construction has generated a lot of positive feedback. Employees appreciate that the company takes a proactive, preventive approach to these issues, rather than intervening only in crisis situations.
Watch the webinar replay for an immersion in best practices, brought to you by experts who share concrete tools and innovative strategies for integrating mental health into the heart of your organizational culture. Whether you're a leader, manager or employee, this webinar offers an inspiring and practical vision for strengthening balance and performance in your organization.
*OpinionWay survey for Empreinte Humaine, 2024
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